Project resources
Within the Incusion in Sport (iSport) project, several resources and tools have been developed, as intellectual outputs, free to be used for anyone interested in how to make sport more diverse, inclusive and accessible.
For Internal use:
- Quality assurance plan
- Communication & Dissemination Plan
- Evaluation, Validation
- Other internal reports
For Public use, freely available:
- iSport Case Studies for Inclusive Sport (use cases - good practice examples)
- iSport Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
- iSport Simulation and training platform (Game) - online and as an app
- iSport Recommendations for Inclusive Sport Events, available in English, French, German, Spanish, Greek, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, Swedish, Slovenian and Catalan.
We invite you to check out the resources, use them, share them and help us spread the word!
The iSport project and its resources are co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
iSport Game
Online |
App (Android Google Play) |
iSport course - MOOC
Online |
iSport Study Cases for Inclusive Sport
iSport Recommendations: Inclusive Sport Events
PDF (English) |
Available also as PDFs in other languages: - Catalan (Català): Recomanacions Esdeveniments esportius inclusius - Dutch (Nederlands): Aanbevelingen Inclusieve sportevenementen - Finnish (Suomi): Suosituksia Inklusiiviseen urheilutapahtumaan - French (Français): Recommandations Événements sportifs inclusifs - German (Deutsch): Empfehlungen Inklusive Sportverantstaltungen - Greek (Elliniká / ελληνικά): Sistasis Athlitikes Ekdilosis Khoris Apoklismous / Συστασεισ: Αθλητικεσ εκδηλωσεισ χωρισ αποκλεισμουσ - Polish (Polski): Zalecenia Włączające wydarzenia sportowe - Slovenian (Slovenščina): Priporočila Vključujoče športne prireditve - Spanish (Español): Recomendaciones Eventos deportivos inclusivos - Swedish (Svenska): Rekommendationer Inkluderande sportevenemang |